With corporate awareness on brand identity value increasing day by day, logo designs are hard to be missed. Each year we see tons of new and fresh logos evolve, conglomerates and mergers taking place and numerous redesigns happening. We know a good company name is very important. Some would even spend a tidy sum to get a renowned marketing research company to discover a good brand name to synergize the name of product/service with the market place. When all else fails, read the instructions. This is the well established rule of last resort; whether we are putting together a child's toy or trying to operate the latest electronic device. The oil analysis reports are the instructions for smooth running equipments. A few of us might even consult a geomancer (aka feng shui master) to ascertain that our personal name and company names are auspiciously congruent with the elements! Yet, many shun away from investing in a decent company logo design. Instead of going to a branding expert, marketing specialist or graphic designer, many run to a local printer whose specialty is print production, to do a logo design and quickly whip up their letterheads and other stationery.